
Showing posts from November 15, 2020

CH 13: Household and Social Class

Household Influences                                                        Purchasing behaviors are highly influenced in a single household whether it be a single person living alone or a group of individuals in different life stages living together. When an individual goes to Costco they consider the needs of their household. For example, if they have babies, pampers and wipes are a necessity within their need. This shows how the age of the person in the household influences consumer decision making. Certain decisions made by spouses, parents, and even children help make purchasing selections. Costco adheres to these decisions by offering products like children gummy vitamins, toys, books to kitchen appliances, electronics, and apparel.  Social Class Influences              ...

CH.12: Consumer Diversity

Costco adheres to millennials by providing items like electronic items from Apple. Millennials are known to be the generation to grow up to new technological advances that have shaped them to be a tech-savvy generation. Costco also offers TVs and other electronic devices like fancy new appliances, vacuums, toothbrushes, and hair dryers. Costco makes sure to have new electronic devices for businesses but also for individuals who love those kinds of products. Costco also adheres to baby boomers' wants and needs by providing products of necessity like clothes and food. For Gen Z, products like the latest electronic devices such as air pods and Ipads are offered by Costco. This is because Gen Z mostly cares about the latest new devices as they are the digital natives. Costco tries to understand and respect consumers’ needs and wants and makes sure they do their best to satisfy them. In 2018, the age group that mostly shopped at Costco were millennials. According to a graph on statista....